About ACO Alumni

Serving over 390 composers since its inception, ACO’s EarShot had its beginnings in NYC with new music Readings in 1991 and expanded in 2008 to national Readings offered in partnership with orchestras across the country in collaboration with the League of American Orchestras, New Music USA, and American Composers Forum. EarShot has also included the Jazz Composers Orchestra Institute, CoLABoratory, Pathways, and more. Readings composers have won every major composition award, including the Pulitzer, Grammy, Grawemeyer, American Academy of Arts and Letters, and Rome Prizes.
EarShot now includes orchestral readings, CoLABoratory fellowships, consortium commissions, professional development, commissioning/consortia, and, starting in 2023, publishing. EarShot's goal is to broaden the definition and role of the composer and build replicable models for co-created projects between composers, artists, and community partners.