
The Work

Premiere: September 20, 2024

Tucson Symphony Orchestra

Wičhíŋčala Šakówiŋ

From the composer: American Composers Orchestra (ACO) will commission Suzanne Kite to write her first full orchestra work, which will include the merging of musical composition, Lakȟóta Indigenous practice, development of new Artificial Intelligence technologies, and onstage projected visuals. The work will be approximately 10 minutes in length, scored for 20 strings (; double winds; 2 horns, 2 trumpets, 1 trombone, 1 tuba; timpani+2 percussion; harp, piano/keyboard, developed via a two-year-long residency with ACO’s EarShot CoLABoratory program.

The score will use visual languages based on the Lakȟóta Shape Kit developed by Sadie Red Wing. The piece's content will be derived from images of dreams described by members of the public before the concert, or musicians in rehearsal, transcribed into the Lakȟóta Visual Language by an AI app created by Suzanne and her research team. The score, a combination of through-composed parts and projected onstage imagery, will tell musicians how to realize the visual language live on stage. This work is conceptually built from Lakȟóta women and two-spirit people who use this language to translate dreams into artworks.

Recent Work

Lead support for EarShot CoLABoratory is generously provided by TD Charitable Foundation, Altman Foundation, Jerome Foundation, The New York Community Trust Van Lier Fellowships, and the Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation.


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