John Glover & Kelley Rourke with Forrópera

The Work

Premiere: March 12, 2024

Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall

Right Now

From the artists: For us, creating new collaborative spaces is as exciting as the art that comes out of those spaces. This commission challenged us to be "in conversation" with many streams of thought, beginning with the Weimar Republic, that abundant flowering of art and ideas that shone for a brief moment before being obliterated by a dark new reality. We found ourselves drawn to the work of the revolutionary composer Kurt Weill, particularly the song "Pirate Jenny," the story of a marginalized woman who quietly bides her time until the ‘now’ when the tables are turned. We are in conversation with Chrystal E. Williams and Felipe Hostins' Forrópera, a project that exists to foster dialogue through music, as well as with Felipe and Chrystal’s offstage passions, which include an ongoing exchange with the landscape they call their home. The confluence of these streams of thought led us to a meditation on time that considers overlapping cycles of social history, the natural world, and individual lives. Right Now is a meditation on time that puts discrete moments in the lives of individuals in conversation with larger time cycles.

Recent Work

Lead support for EarShot CoLABoratory is generously provided by TD Charitable Foundation, Altman Foundation, Jerome Foundation, The New York Community Trust Van Lier Fellowships, and the Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation. The commission of Right Now by John Glover & Kelley Rourke is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.


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